Yep! This is what it looks like! Our 8 week Belly Bean! We have known for awhile, but were waiting for this ultrasound to find out if the baby is healthy before we spread the news. Everything looks great and there is only a 5% chance of miscarriage now. For more details check out my baby blog at
Pocketful of Hope. You might want to read the posts in order by going to the bottom first, if you want to catch up.
Acadia is doing pretty well right now. We seem to be avoiding the extremes and are just dealing with the regular stuff. She developed a new coping strategy: chewing ice cubes! Sunshine, bikes, the tire swing, and an emerging yard are really good medicine for any kid!
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Hey girlfriend!!
ReplyDeleteDid you get my post on your other blog??! I did read it and give my congrats to you...YES, I HEARD YOU...I am still jumping and doing the happy dance for you guys!! 9 weeks and going strong, keep clinging to Him! BIG HUGS and kisses to baby #3...LOVE YOU!! Kari